About Us
About Us
Dr. med. dent. Stefan SchmittZahnarzt
Landstuhler Straße 26a
66877 Ramstein
Telefon: 06371 / 71 538
Telefax: 06371 / 57 404
The information contained in this website is protected by copyright and is property of the Dental Practice of Dr. Stefan Schmitt. The content of this website is not intended to be binding instructions for medical actions or treatments. All information provided in this website is without guarantee.
We must advise you, that we cannot be held responsible for the content of externally linked websites. The owner of an external website is solely responsible for its content.
Competent Supervisory Authorities
Bezirksärztekammer Pfalz
Maximiliansr. 22
67433 Neustadt
Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Rheinland-Pfalz
Regionalzentrum Neustadt/Pfalz
Maximilianstr. 22
67433 Neustadt
Bezirkszahnärztekammer Pfalz
Brunhildstr. 1
67059 Ludwigshafen
Berufsrechtliche Regelungen
Berufsverordnung für Ärzte
einzusehen unter www.pfaelzer-aerzte.de
Berufsordnung für Zahnärzt
Landeszahnärztekammer Rheinland-Pfalz
Frauenlobplatz 2
55118 Mainz
If needed please ask the practice staff for our value added tax identification number.
Webdesign, conception, photography:
CSS-Design, programming and technics:
Tretter Systems GmbH
This website is written using valid XHTML und valid CSS.
Liability for referrals and links
Despite careful regular controls we cannot take responsibility for the content of external links from these pages. Thereby attainable offers do not reflect the opinion of the operator but serve only the conception of causal relations. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented on external sides, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages.